Vision Gallery

Surgery Co-Management


Are you experiencing the symptoms of a cataract? Do you find it hard to do everyday tasks? If so, consider cataract surgery. It’s a quick and easy way to get your vision back.


Cataract Surgery Co-Management is a comprehensive approach to cataract surgery, assisting in the surgical phase, pre-surgery evaluation, and post-surgery support to ensure smooth recovery. Cataracts, a common eye condition caused by aging, causes discoloration of the natural lens, preventing light from entering the retina. It can lead to blurred vision and impede daily activities. Cataract surgery can replace the clouded lens with an artificial one, allowing patients to regain vision and improve their quality of life.

Signs and Symptoms of Cataracts

They develop slowly with no noticeable symptoms for months or years. Once a cataract is big enough to disrupt the way light enters the eye, a person might experience:

Treatment Options for a Cataract

A cataract is a type of lens tear that affects your vision. When your vision starts to be affected by the symptoms of a cataract, such as blurry vision, difficulty reading, difficulty driving, and difficulty watching television, your doctor will recommend a cataract operation to help you live a better life.

The cataract is the most common type of eye surgery performed in the world. It is performed three times more frequently than any other type of eye surgery and only takes 8 to 10 minutes to complete. Many of the more advanced cataract operations now include the use of lasers. In some cases, the technology of the cataract operation has advanced so much that it is now considered an elective surgery for patients who want to correct their vision and eliminate the possibility of a future cataract.

What Happens During Cataract Surgery?

When it comes to cataracts, your eye doctor will take out the cloudy lenses that make your vision blurry and replace them with a new artificial lens called an IOL (intraocular lens). After numbing your eye with numbing drops, they’ll make a small incision in your cornea to get to the lens. Then, they’ll put in a clear, artificial lens to give you clear vision again. Cataract surgery is usually done quickly and doesn’t need stitches, but you may need to wear eye protection and use drops for a while. It’s important to follow your eye doctor’s instructions to avoid any complications and help your eye heal. Once it’s healed, you’ll be able to see more clearly and enjoy life.

Let Vision Gallery Guide You to Clearer Vision

At Vision Gallery, we are committed to providing our clients with the highest quality of care and guidance. Our team is dedicated to ensuring that our patients experience the highest quality of life while also ensuring their comfort and safety. We offer a wide range of services, from comprehensive eye exams to eyewear fashion. If you are looking for the best eye care, Vision Gallery is the place to go. 

Please schedule an appointment with us and let us help you achieve a clearer, brighter vision today.

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We Provide Exceptional Patient Care

Choosing the right eye clinic is pivotal for your visual health. At Vision Gallery, we prioritize your well-being and clarity of vision.

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Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to providing top-tier eye care treatments and solutions.

Advanced Technology

Utilizing the latest advancements in ophthalmology to provide precise diagnostics and effective treatments.

Patient-Centered Approach

Our holistic eye care approach to eye care seeks to address your concerns, address your questions, and create a tailored treatment plan.

Heart of Katy Location

Located in Katy's heart, offers a blend of comfort, warmth, and top-notch service for easy accessibility.

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